MOD Aberporth Range is situated in Cardigan Bay north of the Milford Haven Waterway beyond Strumble Head.
The landward range covers some 550 acres and is the base for the testing of air launched weapons and Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS). The Range has a Sea Danger Area which covers 6,500 square kilometres of Cardigan Bay from sea level to unlimited height. The extent of the Sea Danger Area is shown on the map below.
Not to be used for navigation
Normal operating hours are from 0900hrs to 1700hrs Monday to Friday, but the Range does occasionally operate outside these hours and at weekends.
It is worth noting that the actual area for live firing on any particular day depends on the type of activity taking place so will vary the extent and location of any exclusion to use by recreational vessels.
For anyone transiting this part of the coast you should check the latest trials programme notice before going. It is recommended that you contact Aberporth Range Control on +44(0) 1239 813480, or Marine Control on +44(0) 1239 813760 who will advise you of the best days to transit the danger area. Alternatively the Range Control can be contacted on VHF channel 16 and 11f.
More information and guidance is available on the MOD Aberporth website.